three part update, including GOOD NEWS about building permits, and GREAT news about money : )
'round and 'round we go
this past week I've been traveling.
I left last Monday for Eldoret, where I spent several days with my good friends the Ollimos, who I lived with/spent time with/taught with in Mbita in '03 and '04. it was wonderful to see them and to relax in their extremely welcoming home. (I just spent twenty minutes trying to upload a picture and then blogger told me it was unable to complete my request. use your imagination. they're very pretty.)
on Wednesday I was able to visit Open Arms International, who have built a children's village here in Eldoret. they share a very similar philosophy to ours, and it was wonderful to get to see what they are doing and to interrogate the staff about their building/developing strategy. (we shared a common weariness toward the government here.)
after battling with Kajiado yet again (more on that later), Susan was able to join me in Eldoret on Thursday.
on Saturday we left for Kisumu, a town about 3 hours south of Eldoret, nestled snuggly on the shores of Lake
Kenya is looking green these days, and the views from our buses and shuttles are breathtaking. I cannot describe it, and my camera does little to transcribe the layers upons layers of hills and valleys overlooking Mount Elgon and the Great Rift Valley.
here in Kisumu we are visiting one of our mutual friends, who recently moved here from Nairobi. it's been great to chat with her and to show Susan around Luoland.
tomorrow we are headed to Mbita, the village where I taught kindergarten. my little babies are in 5th and 6th grade by now. or is it 6th and 7th? I am looking forward to seeing all my friends and I am looking forward to introducing them to Susan.
and now...
Susan has one final trip to Kajiado (after we get back from Mbita), but other than that, we are basically set to start building!
of course, this means:
a) we need money
b) we need people
so we're not really ready yet. the VG bank account isn't quite where it should be- we need about $15,000 to finish our first (three bedroom) home. and we need to make sure we've hired the best possible contractor and staff. but we're close, so, so close.
PLEASE join us in prayer- that things go smoothly as we approach groundbreaking! we are so excited that our dream is so close to fruition.
and PLEASE, if you are able, donate to Visible Grace and help us reach our goal!
which brings me to part three:
fundraising opportunity
if you follow us on Facebook, you've probably already heard, but we have a new and very simple fundraiser going on- and it benefits YOU!
here's the email we've been sending out- please take a minute to read, and pass it on, and sign up. please. we need money!
We are launching a new and unique fund-raising campaign and we need your help. mobba’s Daily Deal is an online service that offers discounts from local restaurants, theaters and retailers. When they enter a new market they offer to donate to local charities that help get the word out.
When you click and sign up, mobba’s Daily Deal will donate $2 to Visible Grace.
If you live in Eugene click on
It cost nothing and takes about 30 seconds. You don’t have to buy anything and can opt out at any time, but we hope you’ll take advantage of their service, just like you would any of our supporters.
So sign up today and pass this link along to friends, family and co-workers in the Eugene/Springfield or Portland Metro areas. Be sure to include this link or our referral code, Grace316.
If 50 people pass this link along to 10 supporters who pass it along to 5 supporters, we can easily surpass our campaign goal of $2,000.
God bless you and thank you for your support of Visible Grace!
hope you are all well. thanks for your continual support and prayer.
I am guessing that you are emulating Patricia Wrede, and I am probably way off but she uses that style for chapter headings.
I'm gonna say it's from Winnie the Pooh.
ding ding ding! you win, Jen (you always do).
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