I can't believe I'm finally going to Kenya. It's been way too long. I dream about it. I catch myself speaking in Swahili to people here. And I look at my pictures constantly.
In other words, I'm ready. It's time to go back. I leave in two days! And I have about eight million things to do before then. So...I'd better get off my computer.
Safe journey, Friend. We will miss you and pray for you often.
Be safe, be well. I'll be thinking of you, reading your blog, and commenting on a regular basis.
yay, ashby finally switched to blogger.
PS. Praying
yeah!!! I didn't know you were going on this shortie trip! I'm stoked for you and will surely check this blog everyday!
peace and happy trails.
YAY! I am so excited for you and, like, totally didn't know you were going to Kenya right now. Bring me home a Kenyan baby will ya?
ash! have a wonderful time in kenya. you will not be far from my thoughts and prayers. i'll be checking up on you on this thing for sure!! love.
Godspeed, Ashby! We love you and we're praying for you throughout every day. We're asking God to really bless this trip and that He will open doors for VisibleGrace and show us what he has in mind for you. Be safe; Love you. -Dad
Barack Obama 352,073 59%
Hillary Clinton 248,137 41%
Hmm. I miss you already. Why didn't I go with you? That would have been far more fun than being in Portland.
Good luck and have fun! Also, swing by Iowa on your way back!
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