Saturday, May 22, 2010

loooooooong day

it's difficult to describe just how exhausting Kenya can be: first of all, the equatorial sun; then, the amount of walking; then there is the public transportation, the fishbowl phenomenon (we are shouted at/greeted/noticed wherever we go) and the culture shock. today was a long day, any way you look at it; we're all exhausted and ready for a lazy Sunday.

walking through the slums can be downright overwhelming. you feel pity. helplessness. physical, mental, spiritual exhaustion.

shopping at Maasai Market is almost as exhausting (for me). I hate saying 'no' to anyone and I am apparently incapable of tuning people out: every time someone asks me if I want to buy one of their crafts/gifts, I feel personally responsible to talk to them and view their merchandise. I'm learning, but it's still a lot.

we were all out in the sun for far, far too long today and are each nursing a sunburn (even though we put on sunscreen!) on top of that, Jon has laryngitis (did you know that was even a real disease?), Chad has a sinus infection, and I have a headache (I didn't have any coffee or tea this morning).

but we're good. we're thankful that we have enough money to buy groceries for those in the slums. thankful we could partake in a greasy, spicy lunch between tasks. thankful that we can afford to buy gifts and souvenirs for our loved ones and very, very grateful that we have safe, secure, cozy homes to rest in tonight.


Ede said...

Ahh sweeti Im sorry your day was so long. I know you have the strength and courage to do what you do becasue you know our Lord is walking beside you.
I love you Ashby and think and pray for you and those you are with every day.
Aunty Ede

Ashby and Abram said...

thanks Aunty Ede. I love you too. I'm praying for you and Annie and James.